2023/11/23 GMT (around)4AM
recent life irl: Highly rely on caffeine, or should i say... addictive to caffeine
not having some quality sleep recently so why not just brew a cup of joe at 6am?
eh.... zopiclone not working well on me recently as well
gonna take a english test like... next mo?
not really preparing it but i still have some confidence(alright i am actually grinding with some materials around that test, just so you know)

oh its fricking cold out here, like... gonna kill me
tho we still got between 10(IN METRIC OF COURSE) to 20(AGAIN, IN METRIC)

played a lot of final fantasy vi this week, kinda like revisiting? but i havent gone this far yet during my last play on the GBA version
(Speaking of which, now i have no reason to buy a GameBoy micro or a GBA flash cart for my NDSL)
tbh, no hardware to buy now, the only thing i could think of is to replace the battery and the speakers on my ThinkPad

Or should i set up a RSS feed for this site?(maybe)
just a note for myself lol

Speaking of which... the internet in my school sucks
20Mbps at best during the day??? wtf mate
I know you guys only have 12.5Gbps to handles with, but mate, we got 11k students hanging around here, and LTE are still slow af anyway

another thoughts is about getting rid of MDD pills..?
idk maybe i should?
i guess

but i still want those sleeping pills!(real talk mate)

ahhhh... got to get ready for that whats the name again? like speaking compensations stuff? in school of course but...
I hope i wont just makes it into a stand-up comedy type of stuff
And of course i hope i could get the #1

i hope

alright all this stuff is going wayyyyy to lengthy now so i would just end this post here
See ya next post!

Prev post:2023/11/15