2023/11/15 GMT 6AM
Haven't been updating it for like 10days?
and unlike previous $h!t posts, i don't have any anime screenshots to be shown here(or maybe i have but i forgot)
I cut my hair last weekend, which i kept for 2years
I mean my old hair style just too messy and looking likes an idiot
New haircut just wayyyyyyy shorter, quite neutral(of course it is)
But i still prefer just putting on a hat every now and then, cauz it looking kinda silly to not to put a hat on
Exactly how my octolings wear in splatoon 3 btw, other than Seifuku(do have them tho, but wont wear them for some while due to my hair)
Okay so that's 50% of the reason of why i cut it
The other 50% are... thanks to my mom
She persuaded me during we having lunch together
So yeah... its actually fine
Anyway... When can this class ends? I am so fucking bored!!!
Prev post: 2023/11/01