2023/12/16 GMT 3PM
Just finished CET-4 this morning
omg its really fricking cold out there
almost ran out of time when doing translation
by almost i mean when i done all the readings, i headed up, look at that tiny tiny LED clock, and i only got 10min left for checking my answers and the translation section...
I just hope i could get at least 650 out of 710, finger crossed
i mean i could pass this exam is already pretty nice anyway, but i would like to have a high score
just like what Todoroki Hajime saids: "A jane-of-all-trades seeking to be the #1 badass in the universe."
Just wanna be that "the walking swiss army knife" and be bad-ass
(most of the English teachers from my past hates me... already quite bad-ass by being the "bad student" that sleep and attacking(using language) once get targeted all the time but still gather high scores in every single English exams(most of them tbh)
but hey bad times are gone and now just want to be cool and do anything withing the one and only entity - MYSELF
(despite the fact that after coming back from CET-4 i just stay in the dorm and did nothing other than watching YouTube and having phone call with my mom)

back to Splatoon 3 and Final Fantasy VI again
and i am currently working on a GPX parser for MicroPython on my own

and btw, i might return to the CD buying/ripping stuff again once i got back home and buy a new, much better scanner

it seems like we were back on track again, at least on the way of getting everything back on track

thats it for the moment, as always, thanks your reading(watching)!