This is a about page(of course)
Random average low-end college student located somewhere in (close to South) East Asia
(speaking of which, my github profile got a way more detailed "about", so if you wants to learn more about it, just go check it out)
also via the traditional way to communicates online:
Email: contact at the42.group

chuni(used to be a chunithm player btw) time:
Prime minister of Lemon Republic(2019~present), formed upon the ashes of Lemon Empire(20??~2017)
aka The Hon. Leo "Kabashima" Lee

I could use English(preferred, but not my first language) and Hakka/Cantonese(i don't use it very often tho)/Mandarin for reading/writing/speaking
Also able to read/listen to Japanese but i can't really speak/type it out
hololive English fan btw, just LOVED BIBOO and AME and others